Fluxus Heidelberg Center BLOG


This FHC BLOG will contain an overview of all news we find and get in connection to Fluxus. Articles, publications, events, celebrations, Biographies, you name it. Every month the collection of the blog will be published on the FHC website as a digital archive

Sunday, December 10, 2006


The Tomato War Continues......

Reed Altemus - USA

Another large envelope we received from Reed Altemus, Portland, USA. He used the artistamps on the envelope as well.

Artistamps from Reed Altemus - USA

Artistamps created by Reed Altemus, Portland. He sent a set of sheets for the collections of the Fluxus Heidelberg Center. Click on the image for a detailed view.

mail from Reed Altemus, Portland, USA.

Pati Bristow - USA

back-side of card by Pati Bristow, Los Actos, USA.

front side of card

M HKA - Antwerpen - Belgium.

The newest magazine and an invitation of the M-KKA in Antwerpen, Belgium arrived. They are presenting their special collection this month.

Tomato-War Postcards

Fluxus Poem cards of the Tomato War were sent into the world. Several were documented on the blogs one can find on the internet.. This card is Part 3 of a series of 4 cards. All cards signed by Litsa Spathi

Ross Priddle - Canada.

mail from Ross Priddle, Canada. Lots of copies of his magazine he sent for our archive.

Frips - Belgium

Mail from Frips in Belgium. A folded paper with on it the stamp "no war for oil".

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Cool Photo

Selfportrait Fluxus Tomato


The statistics of the www.fluxusheidelberg.org site show that every year more visitors enjoy the content of our site. The site also grows every year, so lots of things to see there....

(update graphic on 2-12-2006)

(c) 2006-2010 by Fluxus Heidelberg Center